The reason that I choose New York Public Library(Stephen A. Schwarzman Building) as the story's background is because that's the place I found the story. It's actually such a wonderful place that you don't expect to not have any inspirations. I have to tell you, the part of the motivation that I choose this place as the story's background is because I want to draw it. It's just so incredible!
之所以选择纽约图书馆,准确地说是纽约图书馆的史蒂芬.A.舒沃兹曼大楼这栋建筑,不仅是因为我懒得自己设计场景,更因为这栋建筑实在太厉害了!第一次走进这座建筑的时候,我就萌生了“在这里构建一个冒险故事”的想法,在2016年,经过关闭两年修整天花板重新开放的Rose Main Reading Room(玫瑰主阅览室)呈现在我面前时,那种被一所图书馆所震撼的感受实在无法用言语形容。当下,我的这篇故事的雏形就已经初步形成了, 故事中的场景都将以位于纽约42街的真实的史蒂芬.A.舒沃兹曼大楼为实景绘制。
So that's it, my first blog of SimpHoo-the carpenter monkey. And I would like to use this blog as the journal to record my working progress, sharing my methods and inspirations. It won't like a weekly or monthly commitment. But I'll post the contents that I think would be interesting. I can't promise I will post weekly or monthly, but I can promise you that I will try my best to not spoil! So you will have the 100% "original experience" when you hold the printed book in your hand, which is the biggest reason that I made my effort to it.
如果你忘了网址也没关系,只需搜索 辛普猴或SimpHoo,你就能回来啦。
Thank you! 谢谢!
Laga 张啦嘎