Recently, my seven years old laptop burned it's graphic chip because of the weather.
So I went to Apple's 5th Avenue flagship with my old dying friend, where they broke the sales record per square foot in the world. I looked at those stylish stuff with tears in my eyes, waited for their comforting smile and told me: "No worry, we will take care of you!" But the well-trained genius didn't even open the computer's cap. They were like: Hey, would that going to kill you if you could just buy a newer version of our product?
It was my second year in college, I got my first computer, a self-configured PC, second hand from a friend. It was slow and it had a problem with the contact finger on the memory stick. What happened was when I turned on the computer, the main board often sounded alarm, ocassionaly, and on the screen there was a line said: Keyboard error. The curious thing was it didn't happen every time. Back in 18 years ago, I already learned the machines could have temper.
My college room, bed were on top, desk were down below. In those years, we only had CRT monitors, which looked like television. And we all use desktop computers because no one could afford the laptops. So if you walked to our rooms, specially in summer seasons, you would have seen every one sitting in front of their "Naked" computers, we took off the shell of the computers and put an extra ventilation (normally for humans) on it, to spread out the "heat" of our sexy babies.
In 2011, the year Steve Jobs passed away, I commemorated him by purchasing this 15" Macbook Pro, my first Apple product, with my two months salary. Since then, I became a royal Mac user- the one who is not going to sleep outside of Apple store for the new released product, but who loves too much about every single detail and never wanted to upgrade.
乔布斯去世那年,我用两个月的工资缅怀了他,买下这台15寸的Macbook Pro, 从此变成了MAC的忠实用户。
So since then, my days of re-installing the system every 2-months passed away, as well as video games. I used my new baby making lots of illustrations, keynotes. It did helped me developing my career. Click HERE to see "The theatre of shadows" illustrations that I published on Mengya Magazine. They were all made by the help of this computer.
I always have strong feelings with the objects that I used: old phones, chaires, pens or sneakers. After I started using Mac, I found myself falling in love with the MAC OS system. I even didn’t want to upgrade the system after Moutain Lion. Not because I didn’t like the new super flat interface and those fancy new apps. It’s just I hate to say goodbye to my old system. Sheldon was always right about these: Change is never good!
我向来对使用过的物件会产生感情,用过的手机,穿过的鞋,打过的球,坐过的椅子等等。自从用了Mac之后,我开始对操作系统也产生了感情,所以自Moutain Lion之后,我一直没有更新操作系统。每次看到苹果最新的发布会,耳边总是想起谢耳朵的名言:Change is NEVER good!
So instead of buying a new slim retina ssd Macbook, I bought a 2012 Mac mini with a quarter of the price. It’s a second hand one in good condition.
所以,我的Macbook Pro坏了之后,我没有去买一台新的视网膜超薄的来替代(缺钱是主要原因),而是去二手店用了四分之一的价钱买了这台2012年的Mac Mini.
I fixed the small problem of the ventilation (same issue like my 1th computer: the contact problem). Then it runs well. I can do most of the works by this new friend, except video recording and editing. So I think I might not be able to do the process video recently.
这台Mac Mini在经过我略微的改装之后(扩大至16G内存,修复了CPU风扇),还是跑的好好的。只是由于显卡的性能上限,录制和剪辑视频的活暂时做不了了。
Now Apple is such a giant brand with such an incredible product line, it might not have the sentimental heart for it’s “vintage products”. But you know what, some one still cares about the old ones.